Originally Posted by Pyro
If you are an idiot you wouldn't like it very much because it makes you think alot
Think my ass. The movie was a collection of fallacies all grouped into one:
- the aliens appear to be a very advanced species capable of interstellar
travel... but given the fact that water is an instant killer, in all their wisdom
they decide to come to a planet predominantly covered with water, step
out of their ships without any protective gear and breathe water vapor in
our air on top of taking the chance that rain will fall: heck, walking around
in a corn field with water droplets everywhere in the corn doesn't seem to
be much of a problem either
- they are an advanced species... and have no alternative method of
feeding themselves but to eat humans - beings made up of 60% water
when water is like nitric acid to these poor fools. Also, they are stronger
and faster than us, can jump on top of a house in a snap... but can't break
down a fucking door or figure a way to break into it. Why would an alien
species capable of interstellar travel need to rely on a fucking crop circle
for navigation ?
- humans have hours to prepare for the invasion... and aliens come down
bare-handed: I am to believe our weapons didn't stand a chance against
these naturally skilled bare-handed fighters ? Hello, baseball scene ?!
- why didn't Mel call the police before going in the house with a captured
alien ? why didn't Mel call the police after the encounter ? Why did he not
arrange for the townspeople to stick together in an enclosed environment
with only one way in and out ? Why didn't he force his family out of the
goddamn crop circle radius, a place known for aliens gathering... ?
I enjoyed this movie while watching it... but hated it after reviewing the
movie minutes later. I can't bring myself to believe people noticed these
fallacies and could still say they truly liked this film. This is appalling !
One of my friends said it best, so I will quote him:
[quote:308bc]It just is a real eye-opener how completely ignorant, unintelligent and
pathetic the American culture has become. We need natural selection to
take place and keep these morons from breeding.