H&D 2 sabre squadron. hl2 and doom both dropped the ball on gameplay depth. in doom 3 all you did was shoot things....woopie. In Hl2 you had some small amount of squad tactics and the gravity gun as an option beside shooting. H&D2 however, let you set up complicated strategies, use lots of vehicles for regular gameplay, customize yourself and your squad to accomodate your own style of gameplay and it had co-op with sabre squadron. Only problem for me was system stability and occaisonal game slowdown with graphics.
ENDING... game ENDING...
forgot... You get to fight the russians in the end. It's cool as hell since you fought the germans throughout most of the game.
h&d2 is completely different. its a lot easier to do things and its a lot more fun. its only like 20 or 30 bucks now so it isn't too expensive. Theres also a bunch of torrents up for the game, if you don't feel like buying it.