Originally Posted by Himmler
Originally Posted by Hawke
Originally Posted by Himmler
Originally Posted by "Pyro":0e6dd
I really enjoyed the days when I usually only played with Waffen SS kicking Cethins ass 24/7.
you played with Waffen SS? rofl thats a great joke dude
rofls back in the mohaa day there were like 50 "Waffen SS's"
I too remember the good old times. When we all thought te graphics were so awesome and all. I haven't played it in quite some time though. I loved going on killing streaks then being called a hacker. Now online games are just filled with hackers and noobs. I went into CoD:UO last week and went 50 and 2 numerous times. The gaming days are getting sad spank:
that was THE w-ss team. they were fuckin good. if you dont know who they are, then you havent been around since the beginning.
cethin, chuddy, castro i believe played for them as well.[/quote:0e6dd]
[WaffenSS]Obserch. aNti hEro haha, good times good times. I lead waffenss for awhile but we were pretty much over, that's when cethin and few others went to aM and i whored around in some of the almost too serious clans like tnp. rock: rock: