Originally Posted by Tystnad
Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by Colonel
Originally Posted by "Short Hand":05b70
He has already gotten 100 000+ Arabs.....
He's got a ways to go to catch up to Saddam's total. In that regard he's like a baseball player that has played for about a month compared to Cal Ripken's consecutive games played record.
So lets say...if I muder 1 person I can just say...well this guy killed 10...so what the fuck I can't kill one?
You missed his point, dipshit. Again. plzdie:
Seems they were comparing totals of deaths by these two men. Just cuz Stalin killed more than Hitler...is Hitler now a good person...cuz we want to consider the President of the United States of AMerica to be a good person right.[/quote:05b70]Pyro, you have a half point. The reason it is a "half point" is because technically, you are correct is saying that if you commit genocide, you are a murderer, no matter how many people youve killed. And i agree saying a guy like say, Maximillian Robspiere(sp?) is a better person than Hitler was, would be pretty stupid. But Bush can hardly be likened to Stalin. Stalin had 20 million of his own people killed because he was paranoid, and because he wanted to instill a fear into the Soviet populace. Bush on the other hand, declared a war, and most of the people that were killed as a result of taht were soldiers, and well, thats what you get for being a soldier(not tring to diss military in any way.) It can hardly be said that Bush ordered teh murder of innocent iraqi/afghani civilians.