How do I get my server listed in Gamespy? -
08-31-2002, 06:07 PM
Hi all,
I've setup my first MOHAA FFA server but althouh I set gamespy to show in the gamespy browser it isn't there?
Does it take some time to get listed or do I need to submit it somewhere? I'd really apreciate any help because I can't wait to get it seen by everyone!
if you've checked the "use internet (gamespy)" then it should show up in the browsers. Sometimes when I start my server I could wait 20 minutes until somebody shows up, or I could wait 10 seconds, it just depends on your luck.
Thanks for the reply, but I was setting up a dedicated server behind a firewall. I had to study my firewall logs in the end to see why it wasn't getting through, and although port 12203 was allowed through I had to allow the following:
use a rule like this for both Mohaa.exe and gamespy (alpha.exe?)
allow | TCP/UDP | all local ports | all remote addresses | all remote ports
Where do i change the settings at?
those rules were for a firewall so that any traffic sent to/from these programs would be allowed. If you use a router you need to forward ports in your router software config. I would suggest turning off your firewall and just try getting it to work through your router first as the router will provide adequate security while youre testing.