i must say the bots are stupid as hell though, they run around and sometimes the 2 opposing sides crash into eachother and just sit there running head on until i throw a nade n kill em all, or i can go where theres like a shitload of enemy and they wont see me, but if i go hide sniping em in a tower they see me like if i was glowing bright green or something. And sometimes the fuckers on my side shoot me. I thought friendly fire idiots were only online but i guess the bots r just gay too. Other than that and the lag, say its an OK game.
[quote:5704c]it reminds you of quake 3 with comodore vic 28 graphics ? Im not sure that that is even possible[/quote:5704c]
You are completely right. It is not possible. It's just a comparison for figure of speach sake. Try not to take it literally.
BTW.. It's not a Vic 28.. I meant Vic 20.
I also agree the bots do some pretty weird things.
I like that fact that the maps are big and not "artificially" limited (like in MOHAA where there are gates that are locked for absolutely no good reason, and you can't blow them up)
however because of this graphics suffer quite a bit. (compared to MOHAA)
I like the fact that you get to drive vehicles,
but it takes away from the experience of being infantry and all the n00bs TK you for taking a vehicle first.
I like the IDEA of TEAMWORK,
but in practice this works about as well on a public server as the concept of COMMUNISM worked in practice. (not at all)