About this site.... -
08-08-2002, 07:42 AM
Hey, I am the last person you have to point out to
that having a web site up like this cost money. You
have SO MANY POP-UPS that you irritate the crap out
of every visitor so they wont click on something that
even interests them
This is a proven advertising fact on web sites
To many pop-ups kill your click through percentages greatly
You would be better off running this site in frames and
placing a single ad box at the top with a rotating ad
in the center of the frame and various text links
on both sides. MORE people will see the ads
you will get MORE click throughs $$$$$ and visitors
will quit complaining about pop-ups
Pop-ups have a very low click through ratio--- its FACT
Why dont you add some type of paid "Premier Member"
status, where members can pay some small fee (3 month increments)
and offer these members some added feature??????????
OK - enough of that rant
GREAT SITE - Thanks for getting it up again