What destroyed holland are those hudge bombings but we destroyed over 350 plains in only 5 days so we did atleast something
I Know that the allied also had civilian casualties under there names but do you realy think they dit it on purpes i don´t think so the are the ones that liberatet us
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by thakiller2k2: What destroyed holland are those hudge bombings but we destroyed over 350 plains in only 5 days so we did atleast something <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
And the "extra"-winter Holland had to go through. The Netherlands didn't suffered to much in WW1, but they got it all in the second.
Well,war atrocities were committed by the 'Waffen-SS'.The 'Wehrmacht' divisions refused to do this shit because they saw themselves as soldiers and had a special idea of honour just like the allied troops.they respected each other.last tuesday i watched a documentation where ex-wehrmacht soldiers were interviewed.one man said,he was supposed to shoot a soviet POW.so he went into the forest and shot into the ground 2 times and released the soviet.
P.S. one thing about the holocaust: the german people mostly didn't know about the holocaust.what they knew is that their jewish neighbours were deportated but they didn't know what happened with them.same thing with the allied.their secret services reported that something very horrible was going on in eastern germany and poland but nobody believed them because no one could imagine that humans were able to kill millions of jews just because they were jews.
P.P.S. the 'Panzergrenadiere' are still part of german 'Bundeswehr'
Only after disaster can we be resurrected.It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything