First of all, let's clean up your .CFG files. All of the lines with "//" are not needed, they are just tips on what each line does. If you'd rather keep them, that's ok, too. But they annoy me because there's alot of text that seperates the actual code. So here:
[code:8722a]sv_hostname "[Tryouts]"
set g_gametype 2
set g_healthdrop 1
set g_realismmode 0
set sv_dmspeedmult 1.100000
set g_teamdamage 0
set g_healrate 10
set sv_maxclients 16
set rconpassword "******"
set sv_privateclients 6
set sv_privatepassword "****"
timelimit 20
fraglimit 100
maprotationtime 20
set sv_team_spawn_interval 0
roundlimit 30
set g_inactivespectate 60
set g_inactivekick 900
set sv_gamespy 1
set sv_pure 0
set g_allowvote 1
set sv_floodprotect 1
set g_forceteamspectate 1
set dmflags 0
set sv_invulnerabletime 3
set g_teamkillwarn 3
set g_teamkillkick 5
set g_teamswitchdelay 15
set g_allowjointime 30
set sv_keywords ""
set net_port 12203
set sv_minping 0
set sv_maxping 250
set sv_maxrate 0
map "dm/MP_Brest_DM"
sv_maplist "dm/MP_Brest_DM dm/MP_Stadt_DM dm/MP_Verschneit_DM dm/MP_Gewitter_DM dm/MP_Holland_DM dm/MP_Bazaar_DM"
sv_sprinton 0
sv_runspeed 250[/code:8722a]
Now, let's concentrate on the main parts that you are asking about:
[code:8722a]set sv_maxclients 16
set rconpassword "******"
set sv_privateclients 6
set sv_privatepassword "****"[/code:8722a]
Now, you have this set right. Let's say the password is "index". Here's what you do:
If you want to join the server as a private slot:
1) Open MOH, goto the options, and make sure Console is checkmarked.
2) If you normally join the game using an IP address, or the In-Game browser, you will need to press the tilde key (~) to bring up the console.
3) Type in: password index, then press enter. This will set the password as index to ANY server you should join, so make sure you join the correct one.
4) Join your server and you will be using a private slot.
If you want your clanmates to join those slots when it's full, have them do the same procedure. If you need any information on how to join a game using All-Seeing Eye or Gamespy, goto and read the guides for more info on how to do this. Good luck!