The infamous frogman skin that never made it into the full game, what exactly is missing? Hopefully you know what im talking about. If not go into your PK2 and look for the skin yourself, its there. It has the shaders and tik files. Has anyone ever attempted to make it work?
When you open up the file in photoshop it turns out transparent i know, but if you look at it through the zip its in full color. I was trying to make the file work so it would show up but im not a very good skin maker. Maybe one of the experts can help me out biggrin:
I've spotted that one myself when I've been poking inside around the stock pk files, It would be interesting to see what it should look like. Unfortunatley I'm no expert either, but its probably missing a skel model, which would require 3d modelling. I'd say its worth looking into though.
I remember a long time ago, Elmago who was one of the developers of MOHAA said the skin was usable, all it needed was "______". But damn i just can't remember what he said.
Doh! i have to be a member of that forum to see those pics, you think you could post the pics here? By the sound of the people in that forum it looks like you did a good job though. You said you wrote the tik yourself? That alone amazes me biggrin:
[img][/img] [img][/img]
These are the same links. If you cant see a thing youd better register.
Yea, i think 2015 had to cut an entire campaign off the game because of their deadline and because they were having problems with a map that had a giant bridge. Something about they didnt know how to make the sides of the map look as if it extended out into the distance. The one mission with the dogs that you can only play through the maplist in MOHAA is an example of a level in the missing campaign.