still having no luck with spawn points. i'll add a player start, then a couple allied and axis spawn points, compile and still spawn in the exact same location everytime.
did you delete the player spawn aswell cause if u add the axis and allies spawns but the player spawn is still on youll spawn to the player spawn i think i only ever made made 1 map oOo:
All the spawns work but because you are playing on your own you will spawn in just one spawn point, get a few others to test with you and then you will/may spawn somewhere else.
negative Wilson, that's what i thought but even if i use my son on the other CPU across the LAN, we both spawn in the same point. Just for review, the initial set up for a deathmatch/teammatch and it's spawning points should be:
1-Player Start Spawn Point
(x)-Allied Spawn Points
(x)-Axis Spawn Points
Try puting in a few info_player_deathmatch just one info_player_start and a few each of info_player axis/allies.
You must have a few of the deathmatch spawn for free for all and you should spawn in different locations.