I've been doing sit-ups, increasing my amount as soon as what Im doing becomes easy, since August, and gained a 4 pack...the other two are nowhere to be found. ed:
...I do 150 a night, though not all at once. 100 at first, then i do squats, toesies, arm-lifts, XTREAME arm lifts (over my head), hand cruches, then do the other 50. Do that every night before I go to bed..it tires me out, and helps me sleep better.
God i use to be able to do 150 crunches in about 2 mins... now i cant anymore cry:
If I did them all at once, I could probably do it in around 5... Im still trying to figure out why the bottom of my stomach is still flibby flag, though.
yea i do 90 3 times a day, when i wake up, get home, and go to bed. When i watch a show or something i usually do 30-45 during commercials not every commercial I swtich every other commercail and do push ups