Whats your Most memorable gaming moments? -
05-26-2005, 10:54 PM
Whats your Most memorable gaming moments?
i have had a lot and its kind of hard to remember some but lately
in americas army on weapons cache i shot one grenade through the window on the building and killed 4 guys at the start. cant think of anymore for some reason oOo:
whats yours
edit: wow how could i forget the good days back we used to play dc on the city map with all the bots..then we would fly the blackhawk and kill hundreds of enemies with the chain guns..ahh....
Re: Whats your Most memorable gaming moments? -
05-26-2005, 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by NexusRevived
in americas army on weapons cache i shot one grenade through the window on the building and killed 4 guys at the start. cant think of anymore for some reason oOo:
i see that all the time =\
mine would probably be owning prism or hitman (both t3r) at times and making them angry, in mohaa. biggrin:
mohaa stalingrad, being in the stairwell to the tower hearing the exchange of fire from every direction with grenades going off left and right... running behind 2 dudes hearded for that board bridge thing going into the room seeing a grenade roll into it with us, making a hard right (into that little space) and barely surviving.
mohaa snowy park, crawling in the snow (with atleast 12 guys) hearing nothing but the snow being compacted then a pause (maybe 5-6 seconds) and best firefight ever.
mohaa destroyed village, me and my friend in a crater taking fire and killing krauts... we rush the church and see a allied dude throw a grenade into the tower and watching 2 nazis jump out and get shot before hitting the ground.
mohaa the bridge being in the tower with my springfield blowing the top of a krauts head off.
friends from school on mohaa.
[quote="dr nein":cd813]Friday night games on the AA.com mohaa server[/quote:cd813]yes good times.
I liked it when we'd all find a server with ff enabled and we'd go and totally mess the server up by killing our team mates. The friendly fire battles were so much fun.
Destroyed Village TK fest a bunch of us had a couple months ago....That was great, all of us running into the church foyer and shooting the shit out of each other with shotguns, rockets, stgs and nades - lmfao.
Also, MOHAA mp demo, Stalingrad - playing it for literally hours on end.
mohaaBT demo with Ferich and other ueds.....
bfSW demo with a couple dudes crashing the jeeps and the jets launcher thing....
Being the last man alive in an objective match with an SMG and running into two shotgunners at close range. Dodging them both as i shot them killed one then the other had to reload and i killed him. Then hearing the WTF's on teamspeak from my clan mates. I then took a rocket to the face.