I'm trying to settle an argument and I need your help. I claim that rockets are cheap and that most of you guys would rather play on a server that doesn't allow them. Thanks.
i enjoy rockets and find them a lot more difficult to use in CKR than any MG (and also find the majority of people who whine about rockets never stray from their STGs)
always was easier to unload the clip than make a single shot count
Rockets are alot harder to use than a StG in CKR. Rocket takes time ti realod, the rocket curve at distance, you only get 3 rounds, its decreases your movement speed. For an StG: Sniper-rifle accuarate, 1 hit kill, little movement speed change, 30 round clip.... hmm... seemls like a rocket would have no chance at all against a StG.
I guess what I don't like about them is when someone blows me up. It doesn't seem all that hard to aim at a target fire and duck under cover. And it's really hard to take cover when a rocket is headed your way. You don't have much chance to escape. IE: in the hunt level you could be on axis and in one of the houses, just peek out the window and fire, then take cover. They wouldn't even have a chance to shoot at you and it's pretty easy to hit them with a rocket.
No it's not cheating or anything but it's our server and we can set whatever rules we want, so if we prefer it one way then we can make that happen. I was just trying to get the opinions of the general public.