It is popular belief among many gamers that rockets are "gay".
Rockets are inanimate objects. Therefore how can a rocket have a gender? Let's say for arguement sake rockets are in fact gay. Then would you be persecuting rockets for their sexual orientation?
Another popular belief among gamers is that rockets are "cheap".
As Stryker pointed out, rockets are rather expensive.
Rockets come in handy once in a while. In CKR you are limited to 3 rounds so it kinda keeps peeps from using them unless they're in dire need of one. Which is good because they are available if you want one but there aren't 8 peeps running around with them , actually that doesn't bother me either as they are fairly easy to kill. biggrin:
As most of you extremely clever gamers have noticed ( hopefully ), all the weapons have disadvantages. Rockets have a decent halfway range before they go haywire, only have six shots, have a long reload time and slow your movement down something shocking. You have to anticipate where the other guy is going to run too and lead the shot accordingly.
I have learned long ago to dodge like a Mutha F***a when they are aimed at me..
On the plus side, they are an effective life ending device!
Snipers do the same long range killing without letting you close in if you have an MG or SMG or Shotgun. That makes the Sniper rifle just as cheap. Same story for Shotgun... you're F****d if you get up close but safe from a distance.
They all have disadvantages. They are all the same. Learn to dodge. Please stop crying.
...and while I'm here I'd like to say hello to all my fans out there, and my parents and my budgie Nigel for making all this possible. biggrin:
[quote="The Dirty Vicar":fefa4]As most of you extremely clever gamers have noticed ( hopefully ), all the weapons have disadvantages.[/quote:fefa4]
And what would be the disadvange of an StG in CKR?
Its pin-point accurate in bursts, it fires just as fast as the SMGs, little weigh-down. Kills in 1 hit to chest or head, 30 round clip. [saracasm]Hmmm yeah lots of disadvanged there. How could ANYONE ever kill with something like that. It would take an expert gamer to use one of those.[/sarcasm]
[quote="Gothic_child180":03478][quote="The Dirty Vicar":03478]As most of you extremely clever gamers have noticed ( hopefully ), all the weapons have disadvantages.[/quote:03478]
And what would be the disadvange of an StG in CKR?
Its pin-point accurate in bursts, it fires just as fast as the SMGs, little weigh-down. Kills in 1 hit to chest or head, 30 round clip. [saracasm]Hmmm yeah lots of disadvanged there. How could ANYONE ever kill with something like that. It would take an expert gamer to use one of those.[/sarcasm][/quote:03478]
CKR 1.1 fixed that, teh BAR and STG are more closely matched, and I don't know about you but I can smoke STG whores with a Thompson at close range.
Rockets most of the time can get pretty irratating. But sometimes they are fun. But its no fun when u have a hold entire squad of bazzooka's. It takes the fun right out of the game.