Perhaps someday....maybe spearhead will have it able to work. As CK has explained in the past, since MOH's status command does not return negative scores it's simply not possible at the moment.
Parsing the logfile wont work either since the log only shows "has entered the battle". It doesn't show "joined the axis/allies". Without the ability of determing teams, this too is not possible at the present time.
[quote="[NBK] G.I. Jerk":55bc5]Parsing the logfile wont work either since the log only shows "has entered the battle". It doesn't show "joined the axis/allies". [/quote:55bc5]
Sorry to drag up an old thread, but I wondered if anyone had discovered a way of getting this information in the logfile yet?
Ive actually seen a script for this. When you TK on accident, the guy could press "!forgive" and you woulnt be charged a TK. You get 3 TK's i think (can be set) and when you reach 3, your kicked. It was very interesting