Originally Posted by priest39
I'll give it a try, thanks. Would it be "jeep2.tik" if there were more than one?
You have to use the name of the .tik file
You dont need to use different names for different copies of the same model. But, if you do want to use different names, uses different
names when you do the
local.jeep = spawn script_model
local.jeep model "static/vehicle_jeep.tik"
local.jeep.origin = ( 1042 -912 -72)
local.jeep.angles = (0 235 0)
local.jeep2 = spawn script_model
local.jeep2 model "static/vehicle_jeep.tik"
local.jeep2.origin = ( 1042 -912 -72)
local.jeep2.angles = (0 235 0)
But I don't think its needed.
I have four tanks spanwed in Remagen.the only difference is the
coordinates for each one.
Let me know if you need more help