As Spooge said - if you registered and POSTED in the summer of 2001 or before, you're considered a vet. The only people I see here that are vets are spooge, solidus, shroom, and miller (late august).
There are vets....Zaps list pretty much sums that up...then, I personally, consider anybody who registered between the end of summer 2001, too the end of the year a 'Quasi-Vet.' ....I registered October 2001....I am a Quasi-Vet...I can't think of anyone else off the top of my head though...
*old man voice* I tell ya one time i had my thompson out and i got rushed by 10 german 10 GERMANS!! i got shot twice but managed to shoot them all and lobbed a few grenades, than crawled ouver to the 88 and blew it up