Well is it me or is Powell a waster of ammo. Like those poor privates would die to have a tommy gun and he fires like 4 shots and reloads. What a waste and Ive just like to say I hope you SOB's arent going to be like that if your part of the 101st!
i think if u reload before u use up the clip, u lose those bullets. make u more shot concius. i think some1 mentioned that before, i forgot who though.
if you get a sidearm like on CT i only reload in convenient locationes. When ammo 4 my primary depletes i pull out old sidearm. He he poor bastards start reloadind and i just shoot em.
Ye, but think if you have 5 guys around the door. And have 10 rounds in the thompson and 20 in the belt i think the 10 in the gun whould be very inportent. So i think its a bad idea if you lose the ammo in the gun when you reload....