11-06-2002, 02:42 PM
whoa..this is crazy...first off, to the re-enactment guy: Dude, acting out civil war battles is not racism, if you were acting out slave trades, or acting as slave owners it would be different. Also when you fly the General Lee, does it say "execute (insert racial slur)"? Not likely, so it's safe to say that reinacting the civil war is not a racist act, nor is flying a confederate flag.
But, when people in the house around the corner from me hung an SS flag (with swastika, and bars), in their front window, i asked the cops if it was a Hate Crime and they said YES, Therefore what designates a hate crime is the proximity to the person who can be offended, in otherwords has the offender given them the choice to ignore said hate crime. Basically if you print and sell nazi propaganda, its not considered a hate crime, but if you stuffed that propaganda into peoples mailboxes, foregoing their choice to view it, it becomes a hate crime.
In this case, said individual has chosen a name which implies hate, and by joining the server, is not giving others the choice to ignore it. Unfortunatly for the host, its a crime to not report a crime, so therefore the host can be held liable for harbouring hate crime, or providing a forum for it (i.e. the server). But the real question is, would anyone take it that far?
The user with the inappropriate name is most liable, so i would ban him, who likes racists anyway? and if that is supposed to be funny, well, how funny is 6 million deaths? Not at all funny, not at all.