Good scope miney could be a different colour, like red then i might consider using it, i don't like scopes where the lines get in way, thats why i use scopes that have very few lines and Very accurate, TDR allied is my fave scope so far. i'm just waiting for the perfect axis 1, and that might be it if you change it a little and only if you let me test it on your head. biggrin:
it is great
don't listen to these beurocrats
i have been waiting a great while for a scope that JUST has a dot in the middle
like DREX's pinpoint crosshair but maybe red.
and will the Allied assault scopes and crosshairs work in spearhead?
i am hopin that they do but i have no say
scopes maby crossharirs maby not because the new croshairs have 2 files this time so they will have to be redone same as the avatars have 4 files now but the scopes should work cos the have the same amount of files to work with
thanks kamil ill change the dot then to red as soon as i get everything installed again just formatted lol...thanks 4 opinions..ive another 7 sets of all different kinds and designs so will post pickys when my pc is up and running ok.........adios lol.. eek:
I like it alot actually...If you could somehow make the green dot brighter that would be cool...kind of like clowns crosshair..that green dot is like super bright!
Make the dot twice as big and you won't lose it when going from bright to dark and back again condistions, I'm useing one with a red dot 3 times bigger than yours and its great for running shots biggrin: wish I had the patience to make my own angel: oh and make it as brite as you can but not so brite that i fuzzes the target.