PMOH Has an EA press release concerning the Demo due to be released tomorrow.
There is another map in it ,and a TOW map at that and to make it even better its Vexars map Druckkammern (who i interviewed here. )
Trying to keep calm, but WHERE IS IT!!!!!!!! It's now Friday 10AM GMT. I cant ttake any more. Especially if David Dickinson appears on my TV first AARRGGGA HAAAA. Must drink more caffeine. Been to all d/l sites - nowhere to be seen M16:
Yeah, I haven't seen it anywhere either. Think I may just go to sleep since if they haven't released it yet then they prolly won't till many hours from now... Grrr bigzooka: M16: fire1: zooka: fire2: swordfight:
woot woot!
its almost the last download on the list, and it has 4 sites to download off of.(One of the Four download sites is FileFront) ITs not even Saturday yet!