WHat u guys think of it? I think it's almost the same and the germans got a better sniper rifle (G43) and the new rifle which is the same as the Kar98 but have a grenade launcher attached to it... does that rifle really exists?
I dunno if it will be worth it. SP will be good. I'm not really into the MP portion though. I'm very bored of MP MOH. Even with new maps and new weapons it still seems a little to boring. Maybe the tug of war will help. I haen't been able to play a decent game of it.
But if i'm only buying this game for the SP i don't think its worth it.
o yea btw, check the Nvidia website and go to Detonator 40.xx, for Windows 2k/XP, it says WQHL Certified but it said release date November 11, 2002.... should i d/ or not?
dammit i fucking hate telus dsl...its taking me 2 hours to download the fuckin thing im at 5% now...i mean shit..dsl should go 100kb not like 12kb like its doing now the fuckoffs