I really like the different options they give to the server admin with spearhead. IE: realism, fast run, health pack, etc. I don't think running fast and noobs using the grenade launcher will be much of an issue as mods will come out to change this and the server can tweak their game however they like. One thing that baffles me is they moved the "preparing to join" etc. notices to where the chat is.. This makes no sense. It's too distracting, and now all the chatting is grey so you can't tell who's talking... But I do think there are a lot of cool new features with the game so I'll definately be buying it.
Location: South Side Chicago *GO SOX | BEARS | ILLINI*
11-09-2002, 06:06 AM
I am floored by spearhead...i think it is almost perfect with what they did with it....you guys are all so god damn hyper critical. i absolutely love the no run and lean!!!! yes i am so glad they got rid of that (i agree with gerard there) the weapons are fantastic....and for all of you who are poo pooing this already, shame on you...its the first day of the damn thing! how can you play it once and trash it? lol thats funny to me....i think spearhead is gonna do very well...p.s. if you dont like the fast quake style running, dont you know that there will be tons of servers with that option unchecked? example....AA.com Spearhead server=no fastrun= hehe .....not all servers will have the fast run. this game will rule, simply awesome
well this morning i extracted the two pk3 to have a looky and i have changed weapon settings and gave that damn annoying mauser with nades thing only 2 nades, seem a little better now still have mixed feelings on it.
I started my own server and it seemed fine. 1024x768, everything on medium. Got 50-30 FPS through out both maps. I lagged a bit more by the sub but thats all. My new fav weapon is the german rifle that you can load a nad into. Hehe great shit . Take out people at long distance. If a group come your way, nuke em. I didn't really like the sten that much. Seemed just the same thing as the thompson. The LeEnfield is a really cool gun. 10 round clip, bolt action, can bash with it. Its perfect for someone wanting to perfect their aiming. The new timed nades are also very nice. Just hold it for a few seconds and let go. Smoke nades were pretty usless to me. The G43 was a very nice addtion to the axis arsonal. Though its semi auto it only fires as fast a bolt action rifle...... As for the maps they are very nicely put together with great lighting. The TDM map have some destructable spot and some mounted MG42s and mortors. I was hoping to use a portable MG but oh well... Thats my demo rant. Hope you all enjoyed it.[/quote:76f1b]
What Jaybird said... it's amazing and you're too hypocritical angel: It's only a demo to show off and get feedback as to how to tweak the game before it's released.
Itll take a while to get use to from playing BF42 and now spearhead. One things for sure im camping in my truck the night before it arrives in CompUsa! Does anyone know the US price yet? Making a realism mod for this game will be easy.
What Jaybird said... it's amazing and you're too hypocritical angel: It's only a demo to show off and get feedback as to how to tweak the game before it's released.
Erm no. The game has already went gold so the cd's have been duplicated already, any changes will be made available in patches which ea aren;t too good at getting out frequently.
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
[quote:34fde]The game has already went gold so the cd's have been duplicated already, any changes will be made available in patches which ea aren;t too good at getting out frequently.[/quote:34fde]
Which is exactly why I am gonna wait a while before I buy it.
Hell i got no problem with the fast run... I mean dang I play ut 2003 now and then... so that aint an issue with me. but when you've been playing mohaa since it was released you get used to the mohaa speed so it was a little weird playing the spearhead demo in the beginning but now I am getting the hang of handling close range fighting without going "dang that dude just flew by me" lol.... man those smoke nades rock! I like the lean but can't move/lean feature.. that is badass...I never really cared for players moving and leaning cause I've done it myself at times in hectic situations but I'm glad they changed the way leaning works...thumbs up! Gotta admit it though.. this demo play reminds me a lot of RTCW speed. I guess more servers are running the faster mode than the original.
I think the bigger maps are a problem because now servers that could handle 32 players can handle 16 players in spearhead. fewer players and bigger maps= running around like idiot and getting shot in the butt.
also forget clan battles, if a normal clan server can handle 20 players in MOHAAm it will hold 10 in SH, so unless you like 5 on 5, no clan battles.
i'm such a diehard mohaa person, but I dunno..this demo leaves something to be desired..the weapons are cool but i guess i dont like the maps.. too many little nooks and crannies..
also it's too easy to die.. i'm not a realism guy, and it seems like even with realism off you die very quickly
I hope it grows on me cuz there are some cool weapons.. except that gewehrgrenate gun.. not a fan of that for obvious reasons
I find myself slowly becoming addicted to the demo. Today I found a couple of servers where the playability was great, and that changed my opinion a lot.
I especially like the sub map (Druckkamern). But I forsee Malta as being a camp with sniper rifle map. Thats the one that aint gonna be in the retail though, right?
Love that Russian rifle. Next time I'm gonna try the Lee Enfield. Maybe...
well this morning i extracted the two pk3 to have a looky and i have changed weapon settings and gave that damn annoying mauser with nades thing only 2 nades, seem a little better now still have mixed feelings on it.
How did you manage that? The demo is supposed to be locked down so no files can be modified even using new pak files.
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.