Originally Posted by RichardNixon
...if it's anything like the demo:
1: NO SHOTGUNS...! Oh, the idiocy.
2: Net connection is even worse than in MOHAA. Just the challenge/response time takes longer than a whole game round in some other titles. What the hell do they send, 2 meg packets? :O
3: No filtering of passworded servers! There are many idiots out there who make passworded servers but still put them on the public list. I WANT TO FILTER THOSE TRASH SERVERS...!
4: Bashing with EVERYTHING??? The pistol clubbing fights were so fun, thrilling and unique! Now you can do it with everything, and the spell is broken. Blagh.
Oh, and they HAD to add the voting menu, hmm? For lame idiots who didn't know how to use the console. Thanks, devs! Now all those lameheads will be able to call votes to change map whenever they meet maps they dislike. At least NOW, in MOHAA, it's fun to watch the fools frantically trying to type "callvote map xyz" from the chat. Ugh.
1. There are shotguns. If you dont like them Admins can turn them off or limit there ammo. Just like they can with any weapon. Thank you EA.
2. Demo version. WE all had this problem with the BF 1942 demo but i now get 20 pings in BF on a local server. Fucking wait, fixes come for drastically wrong shit.
3. What was the "Filter" button for on the ingame browser? Yes its there.
4. Over played? Im sorry but in combat i would bash with anything i could get my hands on to. Fuck i'd beat you upside the head with my helmet if it meant i lived and you died. Perhaps its getting to real for the kiddo's.
Who cares if people can vote? How offten do they acctually pass? Never in any game i've seen. Oh and guess what.... The admin can turn this off as well.
Quit your god damn bitchin. Read the fucking options that are coming with the game before saying its the worst expansion ever. Admins now have near complete control over everything including you magazine size.
So your not going to buy it... Thank god. One more open server slot, with less bitching. I only hope all of your kind take the same road. Then Spearhead will can be a safe zone from asshats, and noobs.