Originally Posted by Klaha
Someone has 5 nades, loads one on, runs around and waits to cross another, one shot of the nade and the person is dead. worse than the shotgun and less likly to kill yourself like rocket.
That's exactly why I enjoy playing round-based and objective matches more than team matches. When you only have one life to lose, it makes everyone play more carefully and cautious. When everyone is doing that I think the matches are more intense and more fun.
Now that's just my opinion and I must be in the minority, because there are relatively few servers for AA that are round-based, and it seems with the Spearhead demo that trend is continuing.
If people playing unrealistically is your main complaint, then consider going to round-based more often. You may find yourself sitting and watching for awhile, but eventually you'll learn and it will be more fun, plus you won't have to deal with as many suicidal maniacs with grenades.