Hitler did not unite Germany.
Hitler lied to his German people, and promised them a return to world strenth, under the banner of peace. He promised them a strong army, the right of every world power, but never EVER mentioned war. He promised them a phoenix like rise out of the ashes, and a new improved economy. He gave it to them, alright, and destroyed them in the process.
Do you not ever wonder just how Germany got out of the world wide Depression of the 1930's? Germany was the first country out of the Depression, because fromt he very beginning of Hitler's reign, it was mobilizing for war.
Men worked in factories producing ball bearings, pressing steel, producing copper, iron, manufacturing weapons, panzers, ships, U-Boats, aircraft, etc. Men were recruited into the armed forces, and received very good benefits, and pay. Those men not working, were in the fields, farming.
The whole economy recovered, because of the secret preparations for war, by Hitler. Everyone was working, yes, but everyone was working to make Hitler's war machine a reality. That is simple, cold, hard
He certainly didn't unite all of Germany, either. Germany's Jewish population was systematically blamed for all of Germany's woes. Given a scapegoat, Hitler was able to use propaganda to shift attention away from what he was doing, to what the Jews were doing, in Germany. This same propaganda made up unsubstantiated lies about them, and caused the hate against them, to grow and fester.
Jews were not the only ones targeted, the mentally and phsyically handicapped, gypsies, and others were made scapegoats for Germany's problems. If you want to sit there and tell me that Hitler was a wonderful man for saying that mentally retarded children was subhuman and deserved annhilation for their birth into this world, because of defective genes, that they had
absolutely no control over, then you are one sick individual. I have a cousin, who is handicapped, and it is a sad thing indeed. However, it is not his fault, nor anyone else's, and he lives as good a life as he can, despite his handicaps. To think that someone would tell me that this person didn't deserve to live, is atrocious. Hitler, however, said this, and murdered each and everyone he could get his hand onto.
Hitler also ordered the murder of people just like you and me, except that they happened to look a little different, and lived in the Ukraine, and in fact, in all of Russia. Think about yourself for a little bit, and think about whether or not Hitler would have judged you as a sub-human. Hitler no more looked like a white, blond haired, blue eyed German, than any Russian man. However, no one even thought of that, because his hold on their minds was so complete. No one questioned the Fuhrer.
Think about it a little bit when you judge people...one day someone might put into law that your looks put you into a class of person that is causing too much trouble in the world. Far fetched? I wouldn't count on it.
Hitler destroyed not only his country, but most of Europe. Not counting the actualy physical death of millions in death camps, the amount of both German and european soldiers that died is horrifying.
Add to this the death of civilians, which Germany, again started with the bombing of London. I will not say that Dresden, or the bombing of German cities was a good thing, or even the right thing for the Allies to do. However, Germany started this kind of terror bombing, and should have known that the Allies would respond in kind. Germany itself cast this card of civilian involvement in military war. This, again, the order of Hitler. It could be argued that all civilian deaths caused by bombing, both German, and Allied are on his hands.
Hitler united Germany. I cannot even say this, as he tore his country apart, and rebuilt it into his image of what Germany should be. Artists and scientists were ousted. Books were burned, learning programs destroyed, and remade into what the Nazi party thought people should know. Not what the truth should be.
Hitler destroyed Germany. Germany, although united, was really a hollow shell of a country, gutted out by the Nazis.
Compare Germany, during WW1, and WW2, and you will see the difference. You cannot compare the Prussian traditions of the country at the time, with the Nazi leadership during WW2.
I will not comment on the actions of the regular German soldier, however, or the people of Germany. This post is solely directed to the man Hitler. Not a monster, but a man, which makes that man even more frightening.
Hitler, destroyed Germany, from the very day he began his maniacal and paranoid rule, over that beautiful country. A sad thing, indeed.
Even sadder that people today can't see just what he did, with all of the hard facts right in front of them.
34th SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division Landstorm Nederland
"Meine Ehre heißt Treue"