fire2: Maybe a bit on the Pacific theatre. Coz it is probably more important (not the Holocaust). I mean, if they didn't have Pearl Harbour, then no Atomic Bomb, and the Atomic Bomb was the basis for all nukes. Thanks to that, now the world will be destroyed in another 10 years by every man, woman and child owning their own nuke. ("Daddy, Hassein has one, why can't i?") "Well, honey, you know Xmas is just around the corner!" mwah:
Yeah she said it. oOo: But now that I've stung her up by her thumbs and whipped the crap outa her I don't think she'll say it again! hake: j/k If you want to wait a few years Joe, I'd be happy to let you date her. Eight years seems like alot now, but when your 78 and she's 70 it won't seem like so much. Therefore I give you permission to contact her on your 78th birthday....Thankfully I'll be dead by then. angel: