i was on a server last night there was only like 8 ppl in the game and this guy want ed to vote out some no name solder wahter they called that faild then they started on me that also failed cos i had to leave any how mad: mad: mad: mad: mad:
it's being over abused, so what if some noob has -50 is he not entited to enjoy his game. mad: mad: mad: mad: mad:
there is a lot of guys with no name maby they noobs so why do ppl want to kick em just cos they crap so what mad: mad: mad:
irrelevant... Our server will have voting disabled. I personally don't like the fact that morons can flood my server and turn on realism if they want.. Voting will be disabled.
[quote="=FM=1st Lt prey":9ff46]its like that b*stard team-kill idea in RTCW when you kill by accident and they automatically stab [F1] as fast as their boney fingers can, despite your appology![/quote:9ff46]
I remember that.. And your absolutely correct.. But let it be known that I was one of the few that only hit F1 on the true TK'ers. Or the morons that should never of tossed a grenade where I was standing.
it's being over abused, so what if some noob has -50 is he not entited to enjoy his game. mad: mad: mad: mad: mad:
Because it sucks for the people who are playing a team-match game and want to get some competeition going, but cant do anything cuz this Lam-0 is bringing the score down significantly. If you wanna sit around and throw nades at yourself do it in an empty server...MoRoNs
I love the new voting system as well. I've used it a few times to switch over to realism and the vote has passed a few times.
There was one guy however who kept calling a vote for FF and nobody wanted it. I told him to shut up cause he just wanted to TK everyone. I don't think there was a limit on because he called it quite a few times. But I think the positives outweigh the negatives.
Also a lot easier to kick players. If there is a TKer and no admn just vote to kick and get everyone to vote yes and hes gone. Haven't had to use it for that but I think it should work fine unless your on a TKing server. oOo:
Oh and uh, on the voting issue; I like it, some people say 'too many votes are called' but does it really matter? Just don't vote. It's not like anything that's not important passes anyway.
And I hate admins who turn off voting; if people want realism on or off why not let them change it. The server is for the people. Isn't it?
I like the voting, I would like to see Admin that don't want voting just turn it off while they are on. When they plan to leave for the night turn it back on. If for no other reason then be able to turn ff off or kick somone that is TK-ing. At time sit would be nice to change to a different map I guess. 1 thing I would like to see is once something is voted on in that round that it could not be brought back up again till the next round.
As for all the voting your seeing on the servers I think its just people testing out the voting system. I know I did when I first got in there. It was like verything else I wanted to see what the new stuff did. Don't think it would be as big of a deal after people are more use to the game.