i was playing my match with khold (such a gg) and around the garden the corner of it sticking out, i crouched while moving forward and fell under the map. i couldnt shoot anyone, it was like being underground at remegan, but just wondering how it happened.
That's weird, I've never seen it either. I've only seen one person under the map at Algiers but they said they used the ladder..... hake:
BTW - What ended up being the final score of the game??
i found a way to get under the malta map in the spearhead demo. but you can only walk around like 20 or 25 square feet. you can shoot up at people. i don't realy feel like sharing cause i personaly don't cheat so i'm not gunna tell ya how.
Its under the god damn tunnel, I know it too. Its stupid I was in the old -[DUA]- server and of course they were the first to find it. Wow, how cheap. They say "Oh it's just a demo, blah blah" Cheating is Cheating, bottom line. Dont tell me it doesnt matter cuz its a demo. Im sick of talking about cheters.
DeadBolt I was thinking about the sig you made me and was wondering if you could modify it a little for me. Most of the time I play as the axis, so if you get time could you change it to an Axis model?
final score:we played 3 maps,he won 2 on 3 ...
This guy used really nice strategies,damn that was nice.GG Hard-sho0ta,I hope to have the pleasure to duel with you again swordfight: and that algier thing was pretty weird...
yeah was i post lasted night khold but my isp decided to stop allowing me to use the internet last night, so i couldnt. that was a damn gg, and same fast sniping. i thought i was going to loose after stalin... gg.