Computer Gaming World did a hands on preview of Medal Of Honor so i thought id write the whole preview.
There are a few pics with little captions, first ill type those.
-If you stick with the captain, he'll tell you what to do-if he doesnt get killed
-MOH will boast more than 18 enemy vehicles, including Tiger Mark 1 heavy tank, stuka dive bombers, and V2 rockets.
-A spectacular direct hit on a neardy landing craft is one of many scripted events throughtout the game
Now for the preview..
Imagine standing in a bobbing Higgins boat in the first wave of D-Day at Omaha Beach. The door opens to a torrent of machine gun fire, accompanied by the staccato "pank!pank!' of rounds pelting the medal. How would you feel at the moment of truth, when you'd have to jump into the spray of bullets with soldiers falling and dying all around you? You'd probably piss your pants-thats what some guys did.
Fortunatly, that didnt happen when I played Medal of Honor at EA's offices. The game is certainly nerve wracking, and it does a fine job of creating that D-day feel, but you shouldn't need a diaper to play it
The game begins like the movie Saving Private Ryan does: In a gray light of dawn the seas are rough, and you're in a line of Higgins boats droning toward the beach. You can look around and move, like Gordon Freeman in the railcar in Half-Life. But you cant go far because you're packed in with a squad of soldiers. They're obviously ducking to keep their heads down.
There are several more boats on both sides. Near the beach, the one on your left takes a direct hit; soldiers broken bodies go twisting through the air. When the boat stops, the door pops open and the bullets come whizzing in. The constant sound of Gunfire and yelling and explosions will definitly keep you blood pounding. Its different from most shooters not only because its WW2, but also because of the relenting weapons fire. Some soldiers have compared combat to having a jackhammer next to your head, and now you'll understand why.
With god mode off, i made it to the far side of the beach, but i think the player stats where rather high. Near the berm i laid down for cover and turned around. A mortar round landed in a squad of soldiers and blew them away. Another soldier took a round right behind me and fell at my feet.
I ran over, picked up some bangalor mines from a dead soldier, and blew up the barbed wire at the foot of the bunker. There was a springfield 1903 Sniper rifle lying nearby, perfect for taking out machine gunners on the bluff. I then raced through the bunker itself, using a thompson machine gun to take out about 20 soldiers defending it. The soldiers were easy to kill, but their AI wasnt finished yet, so its hard to say how theyll do when the game ships.
PLayers should have a great sense of accomplishments when they make it to the top bunker and shoot the German gunners in the next tower. Free to move, soldiers pour over the beach giving you an emotional reward rare in a PC game.
Of course, this is just one level in the game that takes you across Europe for the climactic crossing of the bridge at Remagen. You'll face a variety of challenges in the game, but the only other level i played was called Snipertown. Here, in a bombed-out french village I died repeatedly, blundering into areas that i thought were safe. German sharpshooters were difficult to spot, but easy to take out. You'll face some suprises in this level, too, like an ambush and a tiger tank that chases you down the street. Just when you think your done for, the tiger bursts into flames and four P-47 Thunderbolts roar overhead-another scene shamelessly ripped from Saving Private Ryan. Still,there is an exhilirating sensation when the tank goes up in flames.
Can the developers of Allied Assualt mantian this level of authenticity, suspense, and suprise? Tough to say, but we're betting the game will survive the landing and accomplish all its objectives when it ships later this year..
-Release Date November, 2001
Now for the comments..
WOHOO i guess the game isnt going to be so scripted! One of the captions said "if your captain stays alive" YAY so any1 can die randomly im guessing!! Also i luv that they let you move around and stuff in the boat! I didnt want to be totally stiff in there.. I guess you getting out of the boat wont be scripted either!! They did a larger article on Caslte Wolfenstien so if you guys would like me to type that up to its okay.. Time consuming tho arg >
