I would like to thank Ludacris for this idea.
I was reading his post on the developer forum, it was about a random map generator in MOH:AA.
Now, everyone dismissed the idea, thought it was dumb. Wouldn't it be cool if it was possible???
Have a look at that. That is the basis of my entire rant here.
The idea is like this. For all those who played AoE, you know what i'm talking about here.
Now, say you had a random map generator in MOH:AA. How would it work??? I'll tell you:
1: You set the settings you wish for on the map, thru a sliding scale sort of idea, the sliding scale makes it a little easier, because you only need so many settings. The settings you change are:
Map size - small, medium, large, huge.
Map type - beach, bocage, country, forest
Season - Summer, Fall, winter, Spring
Enemy Population - Handful, platoon, company, division
Buildings - None, few, some, many
Trees - None, few, some, many
Well, this being rough as it is, that is all i can think of right now. Now, the magic happens. You click ok, and the random map generator starts.
Using a program the like of Gensurf, the game generates a map the size of which you set earlier, ie. anywhere from only 2048 pixels, up to maybe 16284 pixels.
Now, it chooses from one of four set patterns. Beach may use a set colour scheme, and may always have a bunker or two, as well as cliffs at one end (take a look at gensurf's ability to do things like that)
Bocage will be low, rolling hills with bocage every hundred yards, forming a latticework.
Etc, etc, you get the idea there.
The only thing season changes is what type of thing is going on. Maybe there is a 50 percent chance that in spring it is raining when you start up. In winter, it may snow. With the season set, the generator chooses a random type of texture scheme, using mostly snowy in winter, leavy ground in fall, muddy in spring or just grass in summer.
Anyway, moving from there: The enemy population just places random enemies, probably in groups of threes, and the number varies, a la Rogue Spear.
The buildings and trees are set prefabs, maybe ten different tree and building types, and the generator just randomly places them, the intensity as according to the user's choice.
Then, you start into the map. All the stuff you wanted is there.
Can you just imagine that? It is all perfectly possible!!! I REALLY want to see this implemented now!!! My god, that would earn huge scorings from game reviews 2015!!! You'd have a technologically unique game feature, one no other 3d shooter has every had before...
That is at least 10 percent extra in the bag on any rating system...
2015, please, listen to me... And, everyone, let your voice be heard too. Stand up and demand!!! God, that would be amazing!
Here it is folks, the crappiest temp site ever! At least it keeps our people informed till the final can be finished...