<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>you tell it like it is intrestedviewer!!!!!! Sony is dominating N64 couldnt compare to Playstation.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
OOh the irony
Ya mean nintendo beat themselves in one respect. Heres what i mean
Remember the days of the snes and the genesis. Well sega released the cd drive addon for the genesis and nintendo were going to do the same. Nintendo and sony were working together for the addon to the snes but halfway through the project nintendo seen how much of a joke segas cd addon was and decided to terminate their cd drive project and start work on the next gen n64 instead.
Sony however continued work on the cd drive addon and succesfully turned it into a standalone machine and dubbed it the playstation.
So when you see these facts come together sony wouldn't even have a console if it werem't for nintendo collaberating with sony for the snes cdrom drive.