Alright, since NOONE seemed to take me up on the ATS idea, i'm gonna keep doing it myself like i was, which is why i ask so many questions now. See, i'm a wizard with the maps, and i've got some beauties right now, but they don't mean diddly shit if you don't have the scripts to make them feel real.
So here's a compilation of questions i'd like to get rolling. I'd like these questions answered, and then this would make a real good stickie for all the n00bs who want into scripting like i do: (feel free to add questions along the way, so long as u can answer mine

1) A basic question: How do i make a plane or a truck or tank move?
2) How can i script my people to do a specific thing every time, ie walk out of a house to a specific spot, look over, and shoot someone?
3) How do i get the ribbon of tracers to soar over people's heads like in omaha beach?
4) If i want the germans to wait to blow up a tank until the player passes by, how do i do it?
5) How do i make a camera sequence like in mission 1 where you are sitting in a truck and can only look out the back while the truck moves, along with everyone in it?
Those are some pretty deep questions, so i'll just start with those...thanks all, i've taken a long look and not many sites seem to answer these questions