I'll rush down to EB avoiding red lights as much as I can, buy it, rush back home as fast as I can, install it on my very "l337" new system with surround sound

load it up and sit there in total awe

Then after playing it for a few hours, I'll be getting back onto these forums again and sorting out the complete mess and anarchy that is sure to come about after the games release.

1st will be single player for a few hours
2nd will be running around the multiplayer maps fighting against BOTS (2015...wink wink nudge nudge

You have to include them !)
3rd If I have a decent internet connection then, I'll hop on for a bit and see what its like...
Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to War and my fingers to fight.
Dont mess with the Wookie
[This message has been edited by BallisticWookie (edited August 26, 2001).]