11-21-2002, 01:44 PM
There's no way around this "bug", using the method you're using. The same exact thing happens when you do this in Allied Assault. In fact, read my old post from about 9 months ago, [url:49227]http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/004754-3.html[/url:49227]. My entry is 6th from the top.
Unfortunately you just have to live with it. There is currently no better way to get mixed gametype rotations than the way you're doing.
One suggestion, the bug only occurs on maps for which the previous map was a different gametype. In other words, if you just played a Round-based map and the next map is an Objective map, then the bug will occur on that Objective map. However, if you're playing an Objective map and the next map is also a Objective map, then the bug will not happen on that 2nd Objective map. So, if you try to group the maps together in your rotation list so that you play all of one gametype, then all of another gametype, etc, (like this DM, DM, DM, OBJ, OBJ, OBJ, TDM, TDM, TOW, TOW, TOW), you'll minimize the amount of times that this bug occurs.
There is another thing you can do. As soon as a map comes up that has switched gametypes, type RCON RESTART in your console, (provided you have RCON access to your server). Better yet, bind a key to the command. For instance, if you typed this in console, BIND END RCON RESTART, then the END key on your keyboard would automatically perform that command. (You could map a different key, if you want). Doing RCON RESTART at the very beginning of round 1 prevents the bug from wiping out your scores after the first round. We do that on our server and it has helped us not be annoyed by it.
However, you do get used to it. It's a pretty minor bug.
Finally, there is a better way for mixed gametype rotations, that has not yet been implemented into MoH AA or SH. Read about it here, [url:49227]http://www.alliedassault.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=296997#296997[/url:49227]. This involves creating variable strings in your Server.cfg file. It doesn't currently work in MoH, but it is supposed to and, according to a developer from EA, it is supposed to be patched into the game soon. This will eliminate the need for modifying the SCR files altogether.