they will always blame it on some thing. when i was real little it was cartoons, and movies. then music. shit i rember them blaming the dukes of hazard when some teenagers stoll a car.and ran from cops. it will never end.
what ever kids like the most will be the blame. right now its video games.
i find games a way to release some anger or what ever. you get pissed go kill a few in a game. blah blah.
hmm.. so true, when the fuck will these morons get with the times? I hate that shit they go back on crap that was used 5 years ago and say its video games fault all because of "godmode" wich often isnt called got mode anymore and doesnt require you type "godmode".
Like shit, their not gonna find anyone in video games saying "i am god" no instead it will be "i just raped your fucking whore ass bitch!" or simply "owned bitch!"
now you would think they'd try to blame rape on video games instead of murder since we all talk about the raping of others.