i know this should be offtopic but its really not that off... Its about ww2...
Anyway my dad has been rantin and ravin about this movie for a long time, so at 2 oclock in morning he barges into my room telling me to turn to channel 256 (i have Direct TV).. Its on Tuner Classic Movies.. so im all disoreinted and tired from the nite, i stumble around my room looking for the remote and turn it on... My dad makes himself comforatable and i watch the movie.. Well... ITS WAS COOL!!! It was about these mifit soldiers that lose all their leaders.. So they wander around france until they find a Castle.. This Castle is like there home, it means so much to them.. They pursue their dreams in that Castle.. One guy always loved to write so he writes stories, another loves to bake and he bakes, another loves horses and he gets a great big white horse.. Burt Lancaster is in the movie, he plays the General on big white horse.. Anyway the baker of the group goes back into town into the bakery cuzz he tired of war.. Well i dont want to tell u ending but its really cool.. called Castle Keep, good battle scenes for being so old..
Yeah itsa good but my all time favorite "old school" WWII movie is the longest day.
I also like when trumpets fade, its mid 90s but is still really good
the longest day was the best old school movie, and i also like kellys heros.
"Now i want you to remember that No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his"
-General George S. Patton