[quote:b8063]I am sure most of you have had your stomach turn by the jew loving Judeo Christian crowd's little hippie love campaign entitled What Would Jesus Do?[/quote:b8063]
"jew loving Judeo Christian crowd"
Hmm, I wonder why a Judeo-anything crowd would love Jews...
At least they could manage to get a good webpage. Morons. They should go watch American History X. See what they think of that. Stupid ignorant racists. Let's see what I can dig out of my archives for this one...
Could everyone avoid posting sites like that. Nomatter what you do their opinion won't change, and they may find their way into these forums. Or even worse some poor person may fall for their propaganda.
. Or even worse some poor person may fall for their propaganda.
You've got a point there. But it can also help people to see how sick racism and hate can be. Maybe before they open their mouth and make a truly stupid racist remark. they think twice and keep to themself, rather than sound like the bottom-feeders on sites like that.
they have a right to their views. I have the right to think their full of shit. Once I saw their flash thing I left. The less people know about that shit orginization the less problem there is.
[quote="CSF_Jaizen":38113]they have a right to their views. I have the right to think their full of shit. Once I saw their flash thing I left. The less people know about that shit orginization the less problem there is.[/quote:38113]
oh you're wrong there, people need to know about them so we can stop them when they crawl out from under their rock and start doing nasty things directly.
but I found them for a funny reason:
I was watching Seinfeld at 2200 and the episode where George gets mistaken for O'Brien the nazi was on, so then I got on the iternet to see just how many of these mixed nuts were out there.
Originally Posted by "Hans-AlbinVonReitzenstein":74b55
My kind of site
I really hope that's a joke.
it is surely a poor joke[/quote:74b55]
If he's not, he just repersents everything that is wrong with man, his opionin is worthless, basically in my book he becomes a non-eninty. On the other hand, I do need a knew doormat.