...heh! an Aussie from my home town...he was in "On Her Majestys Secret Service", between Connery & Moore.
"Bonds the name...James Bond, an' I'll have a cold stubbie of Melbourne Bitter...
aww yairse, an' if you shake it up I'll fuggin' kill ya, ya flamin' shit-stirrer" eek:
Location: 69 Offtopic Lane, Forum Road, Internet City.co.uk
11-24-2002, 03:35 PM
i must say i thought i'd get sick of bond movies as i've grown up with them but i reckon they've been getting better and better, i can't wait to see this latest one
George lazenby as bond should've been forgotten though. Connery and Brosnan are my faves
That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau