basically any mission where friendlies were nearby, because that's how war was, not just sneaking around all by yourself.
I think snipertown and bocage did it for me because I never knew what was around the next bend.
Hi all, the most true to original mission IMO was without a doubt sniper's last stand.
I dunno but all the rubble and destroyed houses reminded me alot of Saving Private Ryan.
The only thing that ticked me off was the fact that the medic would run out from his hiding spot and get riddled with bullets just to give me some health
I'll answer your question and not be a dickhead (as is sometimes rampant around here).
I felt most in the "war" when I crouched down behind a hedgehog on Omaha Beach for the first time. I had the sound cranked, the lights turned off, and coffee soaring through my bloodstream. I got such an adrenaline rush from the sounds and the chaos of that mission.