[quote="Onor_Deception[Sgt]":956c3]Scopes are quite easily made. People depend on other to accomplish things that themselves are perfectly capable of doing.[/quote:956c3]
I hear that. I just greatly admire the man's work. i'm firing up PSP 7 here to do my own scope. Promise not to laugh when you see it, LOL! biggrin:
i made most of them for SH...since SH only uses zoomoverlay.tga...or allies scopes.. download my scope and look at the files...its probably the hudshader you are missing! hey take a look at my rifle weapon skins and let me know what u think!
scopes r very easy and can do a scope pack in less that 5 mins but its the work that isnt always easy..your scope may look great in your head but trying to get a scope to look right is another matter...e.g say if 35% of your scope is a semi transparent lair then it doesnt always go right..umm pic below is a 35% semi trans scope..