NEW Weapon Skins by Hobbs and sgt Slaughter!!! -
11-27-2002, 11:00 PM
What ya'll think? The wood has been darkened and we added metalic scopes. We are doing an entire sniper rifle skin pack for SH and MOHAA!!
lol oh cmon hobbs makeing a weapon skin is like making a grenade skin....well maybe not entirley but the smae concept I have made like 179 weapon skins already and I am going to make a website happy:
I still havn't gettten the hang of People Skinning thats tircky.
Oh btw if any of you seen the compass with a completly new image? Well I was just wondering would you do that by erasing the original back/front andjust keep the Arrows and just add a piure to the back?
Also when your skinning people how do you put backpacks on them?
it will work in spearhead multiplpayer ill add the tik that is needed thanks to strik0r for the tik, now all we need is for somone to figure out how to get the kartop and karbottom to work for this rifle in multiplayer it will work fine in mohaa
if u want the kar98 in multiplayer u wont b able to use the G43 sniper rifle
Good work slaughter on the kar!!!!
Here's my springfield and the svt slaughter did!!