11-29-2002, 12:39 AM
I agree somewhat, it would be very nice for you to be able to download directly form the server or at least alow the server to point you to where it can so it does not tie up resources. I really hate getting into a server that is full of guys equal to my skills ( not saying good or bad just equal) and then a custom map comes up and half of them are gone. But I also don't like installing stuff with out me being able to look it over first. Maybe if they could figure out a way to point to a trusted site (like AA) then I would be ok with it. Although this site goes down so much it would be impossible to point here.
I know that MOB clan at one time had a map pack that you could download and it would stick a bunch of there maps that they run in your main. I did it and while it was installing I saw a pop up come on my screen and disapear real quick, never did figure out what it did. Have no idea whether it was good or bad or even part of it. May have been something from another program running in the background. But it made me nervous so I reinstalled from a back up and just downloaded the maps one by one. I like many other people out there are just way to paranoid to let things auto update from unknown sites.