Originally Posted by SNYPE00
I find it amazing that you complain about servers that you play on that other people pay for.
GO PAY FOR YOUR OWN or find one u like and stop complainin!!!!!!
It's funny that people like this keep joining servers without reading the server title for information like "Snipers Only" and complain about not being able to use other weapons. Or people who join a CKR server and have to ask if realism is on. oOo:
Listen, Spike, you've got problems. If you're so interested in playing on a server where no one's complaining, then maybe you aught to stop playing games altogether. Consider that 99% of these people you find on these servers aren't old enough to vote and complaining is about the only REAL power they have. And if you really think that people who are paying $60 - $300 a month for a server don't have the right to make up the rules, then I personally think you should be auto-banned from all servers - period. Oh, what's your IP so I can add you to my A-list? evil: