Originally Posted by Grendel
While the early models of the PPsh 41 did have a rof of 900 rpm and a 71 rnd mag they were also notoriously prone to jamming and very hard to fire accurately. In 1942 these were modified to have a 700 rpm rof and box type 35 rnd mags. These changes overcame the unreliability problems inherent in the earlier design. These models were by far the most produced of the PPsh 41's and for all intents and purposes should be the ones modeled in MOH.
I did model the early war PPsh41. While there is not much one can do about jamming, the built in bullet spread settings take care of accuracy issues when someone decides to empty that drum. It starts hitting everything but what you're aiming at after the third round or so; and it only get worse the longer you hold the trigger.
My only reason for going with the early version is the fact that that's what you see when you play. If EA had modeled in the late version, I would have changed the values accordingly.
Yeah, I can see how, in it's current form, this could be considered a noob weapon. But what I was going for wasn't balance, but realism. Even the early despite everything, was prefered by the Germans over the MP40, for it's ROF, ammo capacity, and reliability; or so I've read everywhere I've looked.
One could say to limit there use like the stg44, but these were massed produced. There were whole platoons using these weapons. I wouldn't find anything amiss to see a 10v10 game in the Berlin map with all the allies using them. It would suck to be German that day, but nothing unusual or unrealistic about it, (except for the cruddy Russian skins from EA hake:
Anyway, This was just something I did for my little server. If you would like to try it out, send me a PM.