I usually can stand rockets.. but man one thing I can't stand.. when 13 out of 15 allies are all using rockets.. that's just insane especially when you enter an area and there's 5 rocket whores in front of you lol... other than that I just suck it in and change my name to ROCKETSUCKS
rockets are affective when used in a stratgedy, but with spearhead making it so u cannto move and fire them, it encourages camping so much its not even funny.
Strikor whined ...."completely agree, one of many reasons i never play spearhead. it's a shame the public community is too immature to have a serious game."
Or perhaps like a lot of MOHAA players you don't like tha fact that wihout all the lean scripts etc you lose a lot at Spearhead????
i agree, lately this game ahs just been turning into shit. last night i was playing and this guy was obviously wallhacking. this wasnt a game of oh he beat me hes cheating, he would just scope at a corner with no reason to believe anyone was there then pop someone runs out and he kills them, and this happened just about every kill he made. he and his friend would rant on and on "YEAH WHATEVER ANTI HERO UR A NOOB WE OWN U" like seriously.. then i go into another server v2 and its turn corner.. rocket in face. ok so everyone dies new round. open a door shotgun to the face. its just getting pathetic. specially competitions. those are the worst. just recently i had a match where the first 20 minute round.. NO ONE MOVED. nothing, we just camped and i was like wtf? i didnt start playing and jion a clan so i could sit around. most clans just care about their win/ratio and those are the fucking clans i hate. sometimes i wanna quit, just because everyone is caught up on all this WE OWN U bullshit. who gives a flying fuck whos better, the game is suppose to be fun. now there are tons of cheats out there which can take 2 seconds to get, and some of the best players out there use some of them. then they have the nerve to run around saying "yeah i hate cheaters balh balh bs". i wont be sad when everyone starts playing spearhead, cause i wont be making the move. im gonna find something else to do.
in reality, it would be quite realistic to charge the enemy with a live grenade, if you had no other choice. i wouldnt be too harsh about those folks. but i do agree about the rockets.
[quote="CSF_Jaizen":04850]odd. I rarely get that now in SH especially on good servers like all about nothing and the FSG clan server[/quote:04850]
Don't be mistaken, it happens everywhere. With the realism we're trying to develop on AAN it's hard to not have people who do that. While it kinda gets to me as well, I would be a hypocrite to disallow them because a few idiots have to ruin it for everyone else. That also goes for banning or kicking. I mean, where do you draw the line between acceptable behavior with these weapons and abusing them?
i took care of the rocket problem. i turned them off. renamed them worthless tube..its funny because once in a while you see a guy with one. i like to run up behind the guy move to where he can see me HE SPINS AROUND QUICKLY..CLICK..hesitates a second ..you know hes probably scramblin to do something..THEN..just bash the guy..now thats some funny stuff...as for the shotguns..on my server they dont last long..they end up changin pretty quick after gettin wacked too much..as for the smgs ..its part of the game..hell its all part of the game. its just a better game less the rockets....BUTCHER
I have been playing SH for about 2 weeks now and as with MOH i only play on certain servers.
Some i just wont join MOH would be DaDS ,DaD Flying hellfish WOD GX and a few others.
I will never play on a EA public server as its just not fun.
With SH i found 3 really good servers.
One Dutch one Fox Hound and the fighting 61st (tho they kicked me cos my ping was 100 ) still thats all the servers i play SH on.