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09-06-2001, 07:04 AM
I keeping thinking to myself this could possibly one of the best games ever... even though it is not out yet I feel like this has the potential to go down in history as one of the best games by far.
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09-06-2001, 08:11 AM
it could, it really could. 
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09-06-2001, 08:46 AM
maybe... just maybe...
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09-29-2001, 12:49 AM
y'all got that right

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09-29-2001, 02:14 AM
what i think thats stopping it is the fact that it is one main theme, ww2, which could stop it from being as popular, since some ppl arent interested in WW2, but other then that it could be a good game.
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09-29-2001, 02:43 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kraut-kill3r:
what i think thats stopping it is the fact that it is one main theme, ww2, which could stop it from being as popular, since some ppl arent interested in WW2, but other then that it could be a big game.
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09-29-2001, 04:35 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kraut-kill3r:
what i think thats stopping it is the fact that it is one main theme, ww2, which could stop it from being as popular, since some ppl arent interested in WW2, but other then that it could be a good game.
Although some people aren't interested (look up facts, read about it, go out of their way to learn about it) in WW2, everyone KNOWS about it. There is almost no chance that you could walk up to someone, mention WW2 to them and get the response "WTF are you talking about". Everyone knows of, and hates Hitler, history (rightly) portrays him as a maniac, and a bastard. Most people would jump at the chance to kick the ass of his minions in any way, shape, or form. So, it's more likely that the WW2 background will sell the game, and not hold it back. There is a small chance fewer Americans will buy it (Maybe they're Looking for a 'Nam game?), but the setting will cause it to sell more other places in the world as appose to an "American Civil War" game. It affected the lives of everyone, in almost every country. So it will appeal to more people across the world then a game centered on a conflict in (just) American history.
So although it MAY sell less in America, you must always remember there are other markets, and since this game is about a war that affected the entire world, people of other countries will buy it too.
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09-29-2001, 05:41 AM
no, i know that ppl know about it, but most ppl dont know very much, they only know the basic reason of the war, and about hitler, so many ppl that i know know little or nothing about WW2, its not just that they dont watch movies and stuff and know facts, they just dont know much about it enough to care about the game, and as for it affecting the lives of everyone- that has nothing to do with if they would like to play a FPS about it. the only ppl that would be interested in this would be ppl that like WW2 in general (collect stuff, now facts) and ppl that have watched movies (mostly SPR) and and played games. dont turn this into another Hans flame war just because u have to choose an opposite opinion just for argument sake.
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09-29-2001, 07:18 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kraut-kill3r:
no, i know that ppl know about it, but most ppl dont know very much, they only know the basic reason of the war, and about hitler, so many ppl that i know know little or nothing about WW2, its not just that they dont watch movies and stuff and know facts, they just dont know much about it enough to care about the game, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
You don't need to know every detail about WW2 to enjoy the game. I know almost nothing about the "Cold War", and I play OP: Flashpoint all the time, it’s one of my favorite games. I didn’t even know what a BMP was until I played the game, and I didn’t care about the “Cold War” at all. Some people could be different, but just because someone doesn’t know about the setting of the game does not mean they won’t care about it.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>and as for it affecting the lives of everyone- that has nothing to do with if they would like to play a FPS about it. the only ppl that would be interested in this would be ppl that like WW2 in general (collect stuff, now facts) and ppl that have watched movies (mostly SPR) and and played games.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I brought up the part about it affecting the lives of everyone, to show that not only Americans would be interested in the game. That it would help sell the game other places in the world, so it would make up for any lost profit in the US. I didn't mean that everyone would buy it because it affected the world, only that it would be more popular internationally then, say, an "American Civil War" game that would appeal mostly to Americans.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
dont turn this into another Hans flame war just because u have to choose an opposite opinion just for argument sake.
WTF!? I'm not choosing the opposite opinion for argument sake. I have never, and will never do something so pointless, it would be a waste of my time. Did it occur to you that this just so happens to be my opinion, and I am choosing to express it (Just as you are doing)?
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09-29-2001, 07:31 AM nice children...remember we are all here just to have reason not to end this conversation right here...
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09-29-2001, 09:14 AM
Hans, you start fights all the time because of your "opinion", you see a post that someone has made, and u look at it, and think "well i see an opposite side to that, better say something..." and u do, starting shit like this, did u see how pidly my opinion was, and u disected it, it wasnt even like a fact, i was just stating that it wouldnt be as popular because not as many ppl like WW2, its not a very broad theme for a "best game ever made". And as far you not knowing anything about the cold war, but still playing operation flashpoint, that has nothing to do with it, operation flashpoint is just a very well known military game, everyone likes it, they dont care what war it takes place in. Im sure that if someone knew nothing about WW2 but the basic idea of it, and nothing more, they wouldnt choose to buy MOH:AA over say a Half-Life game..
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09-29-2001, 10:58 AM
Put it this way:
When it first came out for PlayStation it was one of the most popular FPSs out. I still like it now. But this will probably break the mould and, by the looks of the screen shots, will be briliant. Not just graphically, but the fun factor will burst. 
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09-29-2001, 11:08 AM
o this game sure could be one of the best no doubt about that....i mean everything is amazing as far as i know...this is gonna be a kick ass game no doubt
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09-30-2001, 12:45 AM
"It doesnt matter if you havent gotten into an argument for months, thats because u have barely talked for months"
I posted a couple times a week, and didn't get into a fight, so that means I don't always get into a fight. Even if I did, it doesn't make your opinion any more valid.
"when u do talk it usually starts some fight, cuz your opinion is always the opposite."
So now I'm not allowed to have an opinion because you don't agree. To F*cking bad, I'm not going to change how I feel because some guy on a message board doesn't agree with me.
"And another reason you should stop having opinions is because it starts flame wars"
It takes 2 to have a flame war, arguments are between 2 people, it's not my fault you return to continue arguing with me. I have not problem talking (typing) this out with you. If you don't want to continue, simply stop replying. Don't say this is all my fault, when you keep coming back just as I am doing.
"and u never give up on them either, even when youre wrong and you're always wrong because you post stupid opinions that start arguments and then you get proven wrong but u stil dont give up."
You haven't proven me wrong, and cannot say I am wrong simply because I disagree with you. And when have I been proven wrong?
"And i dont care if ppl agree with me or not, i posted my opinion on why its not going to be the best game ever and it makes sense"
It doesn't make sense to me, I that’s why I'm here.
"most ppl dont know enough about WW2 to care about investing in a WW2 game."
And some people don't know a lot about the Cold War, but care about OP: Flashpoint, my example does not lose validity because it does not support your opinion.
"You arent doing exactly what im doing, i expressed my opinion on the topic, and it was truly what i feel, i didnt just post it to start a fight, you posted your opinion on my reply, its completely different, its what u always do, choose the opposite side of someones opinion on a another thing."
You do NOT decide what I say isn't how I feel, that is an utter and complete falsity, I am now, and always have put my complete and true feelings into a post. Do NOT tell me I can't feel the way I do because you don't agree with me. I choose the opposite opinion because it just so happens to be my opinion, you cannot, and will never be able to tell me that I do, or do not feel a certain way. Please stop acting like you can decide the way I feel, and warp it so it makes your opinion more valid, it just doesn't make sense.
"Operation Flashpoint is a Huge game! its very very popular because of just all the cool military stuff in the game, every gamer knows about it, almost NO gamers know about MoH:AA"
Again, tell me why this cannot happen to MOH. MOH includes "cool military stuff", and could become very popular when it is released, if it’s a good game, the setting won’t detract from the fun factor.
"if i go into a Counter-Strike game and mention MOHAA, no one will know what im talking about, if i mention OP:Flashpoint, they know exactly what im talking about, your example means nothing."
So why is DOD so popular, it's about WW2, and it's the most played "unofficial" half-life mod around.
"Aliens invading a research facility was nothing that realy happend, Half-Life is just a broader topic, it has fun military stuff, with killing aliens, killing scientist, and awesome graphics (well when it came out it did, it stil does..)"
Your in a research facility, aliens from another dimension invade, the military comes to clean up, and you end up going to the alien world to kill everything. That's the basic plot. I don't see how people could know anymore about that, then about WW2.
"and i said "A Half-Life Game" meaing any half-life game, like Counter-Strike or DoD"
DoD... there you go, a great example of a WW2 game that's popular.
"or whatever..And ppl dont need to know a great deal about WW2 to like it, but they have to know about WW2 in order to want the game, because i know that if someone didnt know anything about WW2, they would just buy some other game."
Almost everyone knows about WW2 (they know it happened), it's not like some civil war in a distant African country that happened 500 years ago. It's recent, and involved most of the countries in the world. It's in the movies, it's on TV, it's in books, it's at school, it's in your face at almost every turn. If you don't know that WW2 happened then you're probably blind and deaf. I don't think a scenario of someone walking up and picking out a MOH box, and then thinking "WTF is WW2" is a very likely one.
"And u do need to know about WW2 to like it more, because if u didnt know shit about WW2, then it wouldnt be fun using all the weapons, and playing all the major battlesw, and killing certain enemies etc."
So why is OP:Flashpoint so fun, I didn't know what a BMP was but I sure like running things over with it, I had only heard about a LAW once or twice but I like blowing stuff up with it, and I didn't know the T80 had reactive armor but I like driving it around the island. So why do I need to know the firing arc of a Panzer IV to enjoy MOH more?
[This message has been edited by Hans (edited September 30, 2001).]
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09-30-2001, 01:40 AM
Okay now....i'm telling you...noone needs to hear this shit.
Got an opinion? Great. Yell at each other over ICQ or email. Not here. Get this shit off of here. I don't care to see it and i doubt much if anyone else does. Now lets cut the arguments here, and quit this shit ahead of the game chillun.
I swear, don't give me any of your defending yourselves shit either, because i don't want to hear it. Just cut the arguments here and don't post another thing on this thread, sound good?
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101st Airborne
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