OK I bought my son a PS2 for christmas. He really enjoys playing MOHAA but when I went to buy him frontline for his new PS2 I noticed that most of the missions look similar to AA. How close is the frontline to MOHAA and is it even worth getting if he already has AA. THanks
The solution is dont get frontline. just get the expansion for for AA called spearhead that would be better.Becuase i tried frontline and it was good but its not to meet up with the rankings of AA.
and also ya the mission are pretty close to the same but AA has better graphics. U should get him GTA vice city or something cause ya frontline was awsume but the missions are kinda like the same with AA. But if he realy likes MOH stuff u can get him frontline to me the controls were hard especialy when u were on omaha. But thats from my perspective im only 15. So its up to u to decide which game to get your son.
Frontline is pretty cool for a PS2 game, but sucks cuz there is not multiplayer. If they would have added it to the game it would have added much more fun to the game. Without it you will be finished with the game in a matter of days. The missions are too easy, and once you beat them it's not that fun to go back and play em again.
Thanks for the replies, I will save my money and get him another game instead. Lonegunner, my son is 14 so a 15 year olds perspective is exactly what I need
[quote:34b61]..frontline sucks...[/quote:34b61]
I dont think frontline is anything near as good as mohaa. If you think some of the levels are the same you should compair them. My brother who is 10 likes mohaa more for the following reasons........
-The omaha level is much better than the one on frntline
-Even thow the weapons have more detail they dont look as good!
-And they dont get the history right. If its a ww2 history game they should, they shopuldnt have the captain att he front of the ship but att he back.
I hope ive been some help but thats why there not the same![/list]
AA Is Better than Frontline in my opinion. Like Lonegunner said, it has better graphics and the maps are pretty much the same. Vice City is good as well... SOCOM is awesome (but its pretty hard to find) You can buy a modem hookup for PS2 so he can play against others on the internet