My dads father was French Canadian. hIs great great...etc. parents came of Canada from France in the 1600's. So i have a pretty good portion of French Canadian in me, although I don't speak a word nor have ever been to Quebec or France.
Yeah, my dad is french canadian and I been to quebec a few times. Anybody who knocks the French are just ignorant and incapable of independant thought..
hah french are cool..i have nothing against them but my dad hates them..he says it stems from the referendum and how the french think they are better than the rest of canada note: those are my dads thoughts and not mine so dont get mad at me u faggets
Well theres numerous reasons, but one is this... They have become such a whiny bunch of pansys, we, England and others save their asses twice and when we ask for support we get snubbed. Other than that they are just so friggen annoying.